Disc Dog Demo
A downloadable Sketch
Made for the #discroomgamejam.
NOTE: I had a weird thing happen where I clicked the wrong project and submitted an older project for the jam. I just updated this page to reflect my entry. Don't worry, I didn't work on this longer than the jam! Hopefully that reflects with how buggy it is hahaha.
We spent a lot of time on making a larger game, but ended up liking our idea so much that we decided we'd turn it into a full-fledged game. We whipped up this short demo instead to show off what it's like playing Disc Dog!
You control a Solarian with the Arrow Keys, and can press "C" to make your Disc Dog charge directly at you. Destroy plutons, collect relics, and survive to complete waves.
It's kind of broken, but you get the idea!
Click download now to get access to the following files: